
The Institute of Foresters of Australia welcomes donations to support the work carried out by:

  • The Forest Environment Trust Fund
  • The Forestry Scholarship Fund
  • General donations to the work of Forestry Australia

The Forest Environment Trust Fund and the Forestry Scholarship Fund has DGR status, all donations over $2.00 are tax deductable.

Click HERE to download the Donation Form

About the Forest Environment Fund (ABN: 99 144 992 791)
The Forest Environment Trust has been set up by the Institute of Foresters of Australia (IFA). The Forest Environment Trust has been set up solely for environmental purposes and has the following objects:

a) to conserve and protect the natural environment through sustainable use, development and management of forests and forest resources

b) to promote ecosystem services activities that maintain and enhance biodiversity

c) support professional and technical training activities that promote the protection and enhancement of the natural environment particularly through sustainable forestry

d) support public educational activities about the natural environment particularly those that promote sustainable forestry including development of primary, secondary, vocational and tertiary educational material for students, adults, general public and professionals

e) support research and development activities in relation to the natural environment particularly those that inform and promote sustainable forestry;

f) support knowledge and technology transfer activities in relation to the natural environment particularly those that inform and promote sustainable forestry;

g) resource and conduct promotional activities in relation to the protection and enhancement of the natural environment, particularly about sustainable forestry;

h) assist indigenous and local communities to sustainably develop and manage the natural environment particularly forest resources;

i) to carry out the above locally, regionally, nationally and internationally as appropriate.

About the Forestry Scholarship Fund (ABN: 47 602 257 246)

The aim of the fund is to provide a sustainable financial base to support graduate and post-graduate students to help the profession address the shortage of skilled foresters in Australia.

The objects of the Fund are to provide:

  1. for the education of Australian students in Forestry, and Forestry related subjects at Australian Universities and to encourage persons to study Forestry and Forestry related subjects at Australian Universities; and
  2. monies for scholarships to Australian students to assist in their studies of Forestry and Forestry related subjects at an Australian University and provide monies to Australian Universities for the purpose of assisting students in the study of Forestry and Forestry related subjects.

Help the profession live on – Leaving a gift in your will

Leaving a charitable bequest donation in your Will makes a difference that transcends your lifetime and leaves a lasting legacy.

It’s not always easy to talk about gifts in Wills. Your loved ones will always come first, we understand that, but once you’ve taken care of them, we would be grateful if you could consider the Institute of Foresters or one of the funds listed above for a donation. Leaving a gift in your Will is a great way to continue your support of the forestry profession – it doesn’t matter the size of the gift, every donation is gladly accepted.

How to leave a bequest donation in your Will

It is important to have a Will to ensure your estate is given to the people and causes you most care about. You should discuss your intentions with family and seek legal advice. Please find wording below to help articulate the type of bequest you wish to leave.

Residuary bequest: I give ___ percent of the residue of my estate to for its general purposes and declare that the receipt of an executive officer at the time, shall be sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.

The Institute of Foresters of Australia (ABN 48 083 197 586) or
the Forestry Scholarship Fund (ABN: 47 602 257 246) or
the Forest Environment Fund (ABN: 99 144 992 791)

Pecuniary bequest: I give $______ to

The Institute of Foresters of Australia (ABN 48 083 197 586) or
the Forestry Scholarship Fund (ABN: 47 602 257 246) or
the Forest Environment Fund (ABN: 99 144 992 791)

For its general purposes and declare that the receipt of an executive officer at the time, shall be sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.

Specific bequest for (A specific item, like property or shares):

I give [describe asset accurately] to

The Institute of Foresters of Australia (ABN 48 083 197 586) or
the Forestry Scholarship Fund (ABN: 47 602 257 246) or
the Forest Environment Fund (ABN: 99 144 992 791)

For its general purposes and declare that the receipt of an executive officer at the time, shall be sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.

Discuss with your solicitor the type of gift that will best suit you and your Estate.