+61 3 9695 8940|admin@forestry.org.au

MEDIA RELEASE: Fraser Island Fire

2021-12-07T13:03:03+11:00December 11th, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Fraser Island Fire

11 December, 2020

K’gari Bushfire Review opportunity to address fire response and prevention shortcomings

The peak organisation representing some 1,000 professional and scientific forest land managers in Australia has welcomed the announcement of the K’gari (Fraser Island) Bushfire Review, hoping it will be a catalyst for

MEDIA RELEASE: IFA/AFG respond to Tasmanian doctors’ forestry claims

2021-12-07T13:19:11+11:00November 6th, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

IFA/AFG respond to Tasmanian doctors’ forestry claims

6 November, 2020

IFA/AFG respond to Tasmanian doctors’ forestry claims The peak organisation representing some 1,000 professional and scientific forest land managers in Australia have responded to a public letter from Tasmanian doctors calling for Premier Peter Gutwein to end the harvesting of native forests.

MEDIA RELEASE: Bushfire Royal Commission report lacks vision

2021-12-08T13:46:40+11:00October 30th, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Bushfire Royal Commission report lacks vision

30 October 2020

Underwhelming Bushfire Royal Commission report lacks vision needed to address Australia’s bushfire woes

The Bushfire Royal Commission’s final report is totally underwhelming and fails to address the current imbalance between fire prevention and fire response says the Institute of Foresters (IFA/AFG), the professional association representing some

MEDIA RELEASE: Bushfire Royal Commission

2023-12-04T06:55:59+11:00October 26th, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Bushfire Royal Commission

26 October, 2020

Bush Fire Royal Commission task to simply recommend findings of previous 58 inquiries

The professional association representing some 1,000 forest scientists, researchers and forest professional managers, the Institute of Foresters (IFA/AFG) has called on the Bush Fire Royal Commission to simply audit and

MEDIA RELEASE: Federal Government cuts to university environmental studies short sighted

2021-12-08T13:57:49+11:00October 21st, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Federal Government cuts to university environmental studies short sighted

21 October 2020

The professional association representing some 1,000 forest scientists, researchers and professional forest managers, the Institute of Foresters (IFA/AFG) have highlighted a near one third cut to university funding of environmental studies courses as being short sighted.

IFA/AFG President Bob Gordon said at a

MEDIA RELEASE: Forest management does not cause extinction

2021-12-07T13:47:33+11:00October 8th, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Forest management does not cause extinction

8 October, 2020

Ecological forest management protects forest flora and fauna, not a threat

The professional association representing some 1,000 forest scientists, researchers and professional forest land managers, the Institute of Foresters (IFA/AFG), has highlighted there are no forest operations in Australia that have been identified

MEDIA RELEASE: Private forest growers welcome expanded bushfire relief eligibility

2021-12-08T14:05:31+11:00August 12th, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Private forest growers welcome expanded bushfire relief eligibility

12 August 2020

The Institute of Foresters of Australia and Australian Forest Growers (IFA/AFG) have welcomed the Federal Government’s decision to expand eligibility criteria and extend the application timeframe for the $75,000 Primary Producer bushfire recovery grants.

IFA/AFG Vice President and Chair of the Forest Growers Committee,

OPINION PIECE: Royal Commission into National Natural Disasters 2020

2021-12-08T14:14:37+11:00July 15th, 2020|Latest News|

Royal Commission into National Natural Disasters 2020

15 July 2020

Australia’s fire-prone landscape deserves better land and fire management. Just like the 242 related Inquiries and Reviews conducted in Australia before it, the current Royal Commission looking into natural disasters in Australia risks being held back by political expediency, community apathy, short memories and

MEDIA RELEASE: Bushfire Royal Commission: Specialist skills and year round land management key to reducing risk

2021-12-13T11:23:35+11:00July 7th, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Bushfire Royal Commission: Specialist skills and year round land management key to reducing risk

7 July 2020

Understanding the specialist skill set needed to fight forest fires and investing in year-round land management and fire prevention activity is the best way to avoid the widescale loss of lives, property and

MEDIA RELEASE: Support for thinning regrowth forests in the south-west

2021-12-13T11:43:26+11:00June 17th, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Support for thinning regrowth forests in the south-west

17 June 2020

The organisation representing forest managers and private forest owners has welcomed calls for action on ecological thinning of regrowth forests in the south-west of Western Australia. Institute of Foresters and Australian Forest Growers spokesman John Clarke said that thinning

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