+61 3 9695 8940|admin@forestry.org.au

MEDIA RELEASE: Forest management does not cause extinction

2021-12-07T13:47:33+11:00October 8th, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Forest management does not cause extinction

8 October, 2020

Ecological forest management protects forest flora and fauna, not a threat

The professional association representing some 1,000 forest scientists, researchers and professional forest land managers, the Institute of Foresters (IFA/AFG), has highlighted there are no forest operations in Australia that have been identified

MEDIA RELEASE: Private forest growers welcome expanded bushfire relief eligibility

2021-12-08T14:05:31+11:00August 12th, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Private forest growers welcome expanded bushfire relief eligibility

12 August 2020

The Institute of Foresters of Australia and Australian Forest Growers (IFA/AFG) have welcomed the Federal Government’s decision to expand eligibility criteria and extend the application timeframe for the $75,000 Primary Producer bushfire recovery grants.

IFA/AFG Vice President and Chair of the Forest Growers Committee,

MEDIA RELEASE: Bushfire Royal Commission: Specialist skills and year round land management key to reducing risk

2021-12-13T11:23:35+11:00July 7th, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Bushfire Royal Commission: Specialist skills and year round land management key to reducing risk

7 July 2020

Understanding the specialist skill set needed to fight forest fires and investing in year-round land management and fire prevention activity is the best way to avoid the widescale loss of lives, property and

MEDIA RELEASE: Support for thinning regrowth forests in the south-west

2021-12-13T11:43:26+11:00June 17th, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Support for thinning regrowth forests in the south-west

17 June 2020

The organisation representing forest managers and private forest owners has welcomed calls for action on ecological thinning of regrowth forests in the south-west of Western Australia. Institute of Foresters and Australian Forest Growers spokesman John Clarke said that thinning

MEDIA RELEASE: IFA/AFG supports clarification as a result of VicForests Federal Court case

2021-12-13T13:50:14+11:00May 28th, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

IFA/AFG supports clarification as a result of VicForests Federal Court case

28 May 2021

The peak organisation for forest scientists and land managers, the Institute of Foresters Australia and Australian Forest Growers (IFA/AFG) supports clarification of the Federal Court decision finding VicForests had not followed what appear to be conflicting

MEDIA RELEASE: IFA/AFG response to CRCNA Northern forestry and forest products industry situation analysis

2021-12-13T13:56:56+11:00May 15th, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

IFA/AFG response to CRCNA Northern forestry and forest products industry situation analysis

15 May 2020

The IFA / AFG welcome the release of the Northern forestry and forest products industry situation analysis by the Co-operative Research Centre of Northern Australia (CRCNA).

The situation analysis identifies several of the emerging and potential

MEDIA RELEASE: Peak land management professionals issue support for bushfire recovery harvesting

2021-12-13T14:01:23+11:00May 1st, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Peak land management professionals issue support for bushfire recovery harvesting

1 May 2020

The peak organisation for forest land managers and scientists, the Institute of Foresters Australia and Australian Forest Growers (IFA/AFG) has reaffirmed its support of bushfire recovery harvesting subject to strict controls.

Earlier this year, the Institute of Foresters Australia released a position

MEDIA RELEASE: Bushfire Royal Commission: More lives at risk without prevention

2023-12-04T07:02:02+11:00April 28th, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Bushfire Royal Commission: More lives at risk without prevention

28 April 2020

Australia should urgently accept that bushfire prevention rather than suppression is the only way to avoid the widescale loss of lives, property and biodiversity experienced last summer according to the Institute of Foresters of Australia and Australian Forest Growers (IFA/AFG).

The peak organisation

MEDIA RELEASE: Prescribed burning saves lives, property and biodiversity

2021-12-20T08:12:31+11:00April 22nd, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Prescribed burning saves lives, property and biodiversity

22 April 2020

A new research paper arguing prescribed burning can save lives, property and biodiversity has been strongly welcomed by the Institute of Foresters Australia and Australian Forest Growers (IFA/AFG).

Morgan et al.’s Prescribed burning in south-eastern Australia – history and future directions concludes that:

MEDIA RELEASE: Bushfire review – Prevention is better than cure

2023-12-04T07:03:21+11:00April 21st, 2020|Latest News, Media Release|

Bushfire review: Prevention is better than cure

21 April 2020

The peak organisation representing over 1,000 professional and scientific forest land managers have stressed the need to prioritise broadscale fire preparedness in place of fire suppression as they put forward their submission to the Independent Review into South Australia’s 2019/20

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