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MEDIA RELEASE: Multiple-use forests of more benefit than a new national park say forest scientists

2021-12-08T09:05:47+11:00January 1st, 2019|Latest News, Media Release|

Multiple-use forests of more benefit than a new national park say forest scientists

1 January, 2019

Euan Ferguson, Victorian Chair of the Institute of Foresters of Australia (IFA), says there is no benefit in creating a ‘Great Forest National Park’ in Victoria’s Central Highlands forests.

Mr Ferguson, said:

MEDIA RELEASE: Fire, Fire, Fire

2021-12-08T09:08:14+11:00January 1st, 2019|Latest News, Media Release|

Fire, Fire, Fire

1 January, 2019

Please find link to a media release from the Institute of Foresters of Australia calling on the Federal and State Governments to fund further scientific research into the important and complex role that fire plays in the evolution and maintenance of Australian ecosystems. The Climate Council reports

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