WEBINAR | There’s a place in forestry for everyone

Forestry Australia and the Future Foresters Initiative (FFI) committee would like to invite you to our upcoming webinar:

Title: Careers in Forestry: There’s a place in forestry for everyone
Date: Thursday 9 May | Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm (AEST)
RFP CPD points: 1.5

A career in Forestry offers a dynamic, rewarding, and diverse path. This webinar aims to equip students and recent graduates across Australia with valuable insights into the possibilities within Forestry and Land Management careers. Our lineup of speakers will share their own experiences, offering practical advice and guidance on navigating this exciting sector. Join us to explore what a career in Forestry entails and learn valuable strategies for planning your future in this field.

Forestry Australia Member: $0 | Non-Member: $0
Registrations close: 10am, Wednesday 8 May

Everyone who registers:

  • Receives a link and joining instructions 24 hours before the webinar commences
  • Receives a recording of the webinar, so if you can’t listen live you can listen later
Matt de Jongh | Responsible Wood

Promoting forestry: As a forester I feel proud to have worked in a sector that offers numerous benefits. I’ve had the privilege to work alongside amazing people who share similar pride in a truly sustainable, renewable industry. This is why I am so passionate about promoting and educating the public who largely misunderstand the sector and that are misinformed, which is the sector’s greatest threat.

Monique Blason | Forestry SA

Find yourself in the Forest: When I least expected it, I found myself in the forest. A non-forester, working in sustainable forestry, applying my knowledge of biodiversity conservation, fire & landscape management, education, and tourism, and learning a thing or two about silviculture along the way. How did I get here? I branched out.

Lachie McCaw | Forestry Australia

More Info coming soon

Fabiano Ximenes | NSW DPI Forest Science

Forest science in a changing climate: I was trained as a forester in Brazil and have for over 20 years now worked in Australia as a forest scientist. This pathway has largely been linked with understanding the role forestry can play towards climate mitigation outcomes, and that’s where I think many of the future opportunities will come for professionals wanting to work in the forestry sector.

Beth Welden | ForestLearning

More Info coming soon

Matt de Jongh

Matt is a forester, Director and Registered Forestry Professional with Forestry Australia. Since graduating from the Australian National University with a forestry degree in 1998, Matt has worked in various forestry operational, policy and certification roles. Matt is passionate about promoting and communicating certified sustainable forest management and advocating for the environmental, social and economic benefits associated with forestry.

Monique Blason

Monique’s 30-year career has focused on public land, fire and biodiversity management, specialising in strategic policy, planning and advice, multi-tenure partnerships, and stakeholder engagement. She is currently General Manager Community Services, ForestrySA.

Monique also spent seven years in the South Australian Department of the Premier and Cabinet developing and coordinating whole of government emergency management, public safety and crisis resilience.

Monique has a Bachelor of Science (Natural Resource Management) and a Graduate Diploma in Water Resource Management from Adelaide University.

Lachie McCaw

Lachie has worked in forestry since 1980 and is a Registered Forestry Professional (RFP) with skills in native forest management. He has extensive experience in bushfire research and management with a focus on forests, woodlands and shrublands of Western Australia and has published more than 80 journal articles and book chapters on fire. He gave evidence to the 2009 Victorian Bushfire Royal Commission on the role of prescribed burning in forest fuel management. Lachie was awarded the Australian Fire Service Medal in 2021 and is an active volunteer firefighter with his local bush fire brigade.

Fabiano Ximenes

Fabiano has worked in forest GHG accounting for over twenty years, including life cycle assessment of wood products. Fabiano was one of lead authors of the IPCC 2013 Revised Supplementary Methods and Good Practice Guidance Arising from the Kyoto Protocol (Harvested Wood Products chapter). More recently Fabiano has worked on biomass assessments and its potential use for bioenergy and other applications.

Beth Welden

Bio coming soon

With thanks to our 2024 Webinar Program Sponsors: